you know when you get that feeling? like your dreams are your reality and your reality is your dreams? my dreams have been so vivid and life-like recently and my reality has been so surreal that i'm beginning to confuse the two. it's like i'm floating the line between two worlds. during the day i struggle to keep myself grounded. the natural beauty of the place where i'm living makes me feel so connected to the earth, to God and creation. i view the snow-tipped mountains in the distance, the pink and purple clouds at sunset, the rushing waters of the rivers and streams and wonder how i have lived this long without seeing them. it puts me in a dream-like state, where "real life" seems far away and the spirit of joy flows constantly in and out my nostrils. better yet, i get to spend my days riding horses and hearing the laughter of children. i step outside my door and see hundreds of horses of all colors and sizes and smell the sweet, sweet scent of "barn". nothing else puts me more at peace than gazing at horses. i look at them and i wonder what they're thinking, what they "worry" about, what the day in the life of a horse feels like. and if i could communicate with them, what would i say?
and then there's dreaming. which rocks. which puts me in situations i've never been in before and with people that i haven't seen in years. but it feels so real. i wake up and, if only for a few seconds, wonder if my dream actually happened. and i LOVE that feeling. that feeling of not knowing the difference between dreaming and reality. it rocks, too.
so for now i'm content to live in between the two. to not really know the difference. because it feels real good. real good.