it's starting to become fall. which is pretty much my favorite season of the year. and this time i will not be in san diego, where "fall" involves the temperature MAYBE dropping a few degrees and less and less people hanging out on the beach. nope, this year i will be in real fall territory. there will be changing of leaves (albeit probably for only like two weeks), lots of playing of (good) football, and a considerable change of temperature requiring the wearing of long sleeves, sweaters, and closed-toed shoes (which never really happens in san diego). i will be in texas. like i wanted to be. and it kinda feels like life before college, except i have less friends here, i don't go to school, my mom and dad don't pay for everything, and i have to have a real job soon. thinking about starting a LIFE, a real life, is a little bit scary and a lot bit exciting. right now, though, i feel like i'm in an in-between stage. i'm sort of still dependent. i don't really have an income yet. i don't have my own place to live. i don't have a dog. i don't have bills with my name on them. it's kinda like i'm in the bull pen, you know, getting ready to step up to home plate and see if i can knock whatever life throws at me out of the part. i'm in the bull pen. preparing. thinking. learning. mustering courage and warming myself up for the hard parts. (baseball reference? okay. i don't even like/watch baseball.)
Friday, September 17, 2010
on more changes
it's starting to become fall. which is pretty much my favorite season of the year. and this time i will not be in san diego, where "fall" involves the temperature MAYBE dropping a few degrees and less and less people hanging out on the beach. nope, this year i will be in real fall territory. there will be changing of leaves (albeit probably for only like two weeks), lots of playing of (good) football, and a considerable change of temperature requiring the wearing of long sleeves, sweaters, and closed-toed shoes (which never really happens in san diego). i will be in texas. like i wanted to be. and it kinda feels like life before college, except i have less friends here, i don't go to school, my mom and dad don't pay for everything, and i have to have a real job soon. thinking about starting a LIFE, a real life, is a little bit scary and a lot bit exciting. right now, though, i feel like i'm in an in-between stage. i'm sort of still dependent. i don't really have an income yet. i don't have my own place to live. i don't have a dog. i don't have bills with my name on them. it's kinda like i'm in the bull pen, you know, getting ready to step up to home plate and see if i can knock whatever life throws at me out of the part. i'm in the bull pen. preparing. thinking. learning. mustering courage and warming myself up for the hard parts. (baseball reference? okay. i don't even like/watch baseball.)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
on things i'd like to change
there are many things i would like to fix/change right now, but can’t, or won’t, or just don’t feel like it. i’d like to change the way i’m eating...or perhaps what’s more accurate to say is i’d like to change how much dessert i’m eating. it’s probably not great that i’m eating dessert two, mostly three times a day. but i feel like i can’t control myself at all when it comes to sweets. especially when it’s right there in front of me and looks absolutely delicious. every day i think to myself, this is the day. no desserts. or only one dessert. because every day i look at myself in the mirror and am disappointed by the way i look. mostly because i judge myself against others. like everyone else who i live with and then some. with their bronzed, skinny bodies that look amazing in a bikini. i like to think that i don’t care about how i look, that i actually don’t judge myself against others and that i love me for me. but, seriously. who am i kidding? there are things about me that i want to change. ‘cause i feel like the one-who’s-the-least-pretty-in-the-doghouse. or maybe even the least-pretty-of-all-the-counselors. and it kinda hurts. and i hate that i’m thinking that way, but it just happens. ‘cause i constantly judge myself against others. man why the heck do i do that? i find myself trying to find flaws in other people just to make myself feel better. like, well she’s got an ugly nose and i don’t really, so it’s all okay. or at least i’m prettier than her. even just typing this out right now makes me feel silly. but that’s the truth and heck if i need to know the truth. ‘cause the truth is the truth and of course it’s not always pretty. but i guess it’s important to acknowledge. but i’m not sure what to do about it.
something else i’d like to change: missing texas. missing my family. missing san diego. missing my friends there. (okay, that’s a lot of things) which leads to feeling out of place here. even though it’s great here. it really is. i mean, it’s work, but it’s also play. it’s colorado. it’s gorgeous. there’s mountains, there’s afternoon rainstorms, there’s horses, and there’s tons of stars. and laughter. and good people. i do like stars a lot. but i still don’t feel completely comfortable here. it’s like freshman year of college. back and forth. up and down. feeling left out and not in. feeling unsure of myself. feeling like i need to do things that i don’t really want to do just to feel in. to feel. okay. liked.
i'd like to make my mind shut down so i can stop thinking about these things. stop thinking about the silly things i want to change about myself. it's not worth it. it's really not. sometimes i lie in bed just thinking about how i would like to feel. and then i listen to music and imagine situations in my head that make me feel better. is that weird? do other people do that? sometimes reality just bites and the imagined life is much better. but where would i be, who would i be if i didn't accept reality? if i didn't embrace it, love it, and live in it. for reals.
it's beginning to get to me.
Friday, July 9, 2010
on accidents
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
on reality
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
on the absence of things

in the very near future looms a time when things that have been consistently in my life will cease to be there anymore, if only for a little while.
Monday, May 10, 2010
on that loving feeling
Monday, April 19, 2010
on getting older
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
on a lack of butter
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
on a future not our own
Monday, March 22, 2010
on community
Friday, March 12, 2010
on priveledge
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
on the ups and downs of baking
Saturday, February 27, 2010
on pandora and other simple joys
Saturday, February 13, 2010
on valentine's day
Sunday, February 7, 2010
on the joys of grocery shopping
Saturday, January 30, 2010
on baking
- you can do it at any time of the day
- it makes your kitchen smell amazing
- it makes you feel creative
- you can "test" the cookies
- to save cleaning time, you can lick the bowl
- you can share your goodies with friends
- it's fun and relaxing
- i love sweets anyway!
Friday, January 22, 2010
on food, inc.
- buy more organic foods
- eat less meat (go one or two days a week w/o eating meat)
- cook from scratch more often
- go to farmer's markets
- plant a small garden
- be more conscious of where my food is coming from, how it's made, etc.